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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results

Proficient Reading: 39% | Distinguished Reading: 26% | Proficient Math: 43% | Distinguished Math: 19%

Health Services

Health Services

Health Services

One of the services the Shopville Elementary Family Resource Center offers is an on-site school nurse . Mrs. Shanna Purcell is at school daily from 7:45 until 3:15 p.m. If you wish to contact Mrs. Shanna, please call the school at 274-4411.
Ms. Shanna can administer daily medications to students who need them during school hours, sick visits, lice screenings, and emergency visits (inhalers and epipens). 

Other services offered through the School Nurse include:
Vision Screenings
Hearing Screenings

Please do not forget to turn in your paperwork for the nurse! There is a packet entitled Lake Cumberland Schoolhouse Health that we need returned for each student.

Attention all 5th grade parents/guardians
All 5th grade students are required to have a physical and up-to-date immunization certificate before entering 6th grade. The physical can be done by the student's regular physician, the health department, or by the school nurse here at Shopville Elementary. Get prepared early!!

Head Lice Information